October 22, 2010 - On October 18th, we called upon young people, educators, civic leaders, community partners, and families to commit to be a voice for service-learning this school. Four days later, nearly 274,000 of you responded…well, actually 273,961 to be exact. This more than triples last year's participation of 84,000 service-learning supporters.
“Time and time again, we're told that service-learning and Learn and Serve America matters to only a few. Through the Challenge, thousands of people from all walks of life stepped forward to help us prove them wrong,” National Service-Learning Partnership Executive Director Nelda Brown said. “This groundswell of support allows us to amplify our collective voice for service-learning. Showing we are strong in numbers helps us make an even stronger case for service-learning and Learn and Serve America.”
Who accepted the Challenge so far?:
- 36,406 K-5th grade age youth
- 47,493 6th-8th grade age youth
- 97,038 9th-12th grade age youth
- 56,839 college age youth
- 16,599 teachers
- 19,586 community partners
As our kick-off winds down, now is the time to gear up for success beyond the week. Between now and April 2011, the National Learn & Serve Challenge will help you become an effective voice for service-learning. Ready to get started? Check out ideas and suggestions for what you can do this month:
1. Spread the Word about Service-Learning and Learn and Serve America
Word of mouth is one of the most effective ways to build support for service-learning. This month, start off with something as simple as creating a service-learning display in your school or community organization or sending a message to your virtual network to educate others about service-learning and to publicize your service-learning work.
2. Speak to Key School Leaders or Community Groups
Young people, teachers, and community members engaged in service-learning have great stories to tell. This month, schedule an appointment to meet with your school principal, district administrator, or senior leaders in your organization. Use this opportunity to update them on your service-learning work and goals for the year ahead.
3. Secure a Proclamation to Recognize the 20th Anniversary of Learn and Serve America, December 6-10, 2010
The week of December 6-10, 2010, we will celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Learn and Serve America. Ask your superintendent, school board, mayor, city council, or even your chief state school officer, state school board, or governor to issue a proclamation or letter of support recognizing service-learning and the 20th Anniversary of Learn and Serve America. Our goal is to have proclamations issued and ready to publicize December 6-10, 2010. Start the process now!
Visit the Learn & Serve Challenge Online Resource Kit to download FREE tools and templates to get started on these action steps today.
I'm excited to share even more activities and ideas with you! The first edition (happy dance!) comes out Sunday morning, December 11th! Here's a sneak peek of what's inside
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